Digital Signature Certificates
DSC or Digital Signature are being adopted by various government agencies and now is a statutory requirement in various applications.
Type of Certificates
The DSC could only be used for Signing a document. (The most popular Certificate)
The most popular usage is signing the PDF file for Tax Returns, MCA and other websites.
The DSC would be used to Encrypt a document, it is popularly used in tender portal, to help your company encrypt the documents and upload.
You could also use the certificate to encrypt and send classified information.
We are selling Encrypt certificate as a standalone product as well.
Sign & Encrypt
You could buy both Sign & Encrypt DSC by using this category.
Validity of the Certificate
You could buy certificates with a validity upto three years. (The validity is controlled by law, and you cannot buy certificates more than three years and less than One year validity)
Classes of Certificates
The IT law allows us three Classes of DSC, however we only sell Class 2 and Class 3 certificates. We are not selling Class 1 Certificates.
The difference between Class 2 and Class 3 is verification guidelines.
Class 2
This is most popular class of certificates, and most applications would recognize this class of certificates.
Class 3
This level of assurance is required generally by Tender portals and some highly sensitive websites.
If you opt for class 3 certificate, all applications which are created for Class 2, should be able to recognize your certificates.
Who could buy our certificate
There is no limitation on who could buy our certificates, people and organization from India and outside India can buy our certificates, provided they meet our Verification Guidelines. Please look at our list below to select an appropriate application form.
The DSC is for Indians, who do not want their organization name to be part of the certificate.
Ths DSC is for companies (any type of entity), who want their organization name to be part of DSC.
Foreign Individuals
The DSC is for foreigners and would like to use our certificate in their name.
Foreign Organization
The DSC is for Organizations registered outside India would like to use our Digital certificates.
Document Signer Certificate
If you intend to use our certificate for bulk signing of documents, you could use our Bulk Signer Certificates. We would offer this certificate in PFX file for Class 2 and is sold to Organizations only.
IET Certificates
We have a special Digital Signature certificate for IEC code holders, this certificate is specifically used for DGFT portal.